Max life insurance fund performance

Max Life insurance fund performance

The Max Life insurance fund has performed well over the past five years, with an average return of 9.6%. The fund was launched in 2014 and is managed by a team of financial experts.

The main features of the Max Life insurance fund are its low-cost structure and flexible investment options. The investment manager uses a variety of different strategies to ensure that the fund remains diversified and has a low-risk profile. The fund also offers fixed income investments as well as options on stocks and bonds.

This type of insurance policy provides benefits to your family if you die before reaching retirement age or if you become disabled during your working life. If you die before reaching retirement age, then the policy pays out a lump sum amount based on your age at death (usually paid in monthly installments until age 85). If you become disabled during working life, then this policy pays out a monthly benefit for as long as you live with severe disability (usually paid in monthly instalments until age 65).

Max Life Insurance Fund


The Max Life Insurance Fund has risen by 34.12% in the last 3 years, from R1.64 billion in 2015 to R2.35 billion in 2018. The fund is managed by [company name].

The Max Life Insurance Fund is a conservative fund with a low volatility. The fund invests in a balanced portfolio of bonds and stocks.

The fund has a low risk level and a high liquidity, which allows it to be easily traded on the market.

The Max life insurance fund is a great choice if you’re looking for a low-cost, easy-to-understand way to protect your family.

With this plan you’ll pay a premium of only $25 per month, which goes towards covering your expenses in the event of your death or disability. And because it’s secured by a life insurance policy, it’s backed by what you’d expect from a traditional policy: guaranteed payouts if something bad happens. You can even take advantage of the company’s financial assistance program if you need help paying your premiums.

Max Life Insurance Fund Benefits

Max Life Insurance offers a range of fund benefits to its policyholders. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Wealth creation: Max Life Insurance offers a range of investment-linked insurance plans that provide opportunities for wealth creation over the long term. These plans invest your premiums in a mix of equities, debt, and other instruments to generate returns that help grow your money over time.
  2. Flexibility: Max Life Insurance plans offer flexibility in terms of premium payment frequency, policy term, and fund allocation options. This allows policyholders to tailor their plans to their specific needs and goals.
  3. Tax benefits: Max Life Insurance plans offer tax benefits under Section 80C and Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. This can help policyholders save on their tax liabilities and reduce their overall tax burden.
  4. Guaranteed additions: Max Life Insurance plans may offer guaranteed additions, which are added to the policyholder’s account value at the end of each policy year. These additions help boost the policyholder’s savings and provide additional value over time.
  5. Bonus: Max Life Insurance plans may also offer bonuses, which are declared at the end of each policy year based on the performance of the underlying fund. Bonuses can help enhance the policyholder’s savings and provide additional value over time.
  6. Systematic withdrawal plans: Max Life Insurance plans offer systematic withdrawal plans, which allow policyholders to receive regular payouts from their policy after a certain period of time. This can help policyholders meet their financial goals and provide a steady stream of income in retirement.

Overall, Max Life Insurance fund benefits provide policyholders with a range of options to help grow their wealth over the long term, while also providing tax benefits and other value-added features. However, it’s important for policyholders to carefully review the terms and conditions of their policy and to seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

Essential Facts of Max Life Insurance Fund

Max Life Insurance Fund is an investment-linked insurance product offered by Max Life Insurance Company Limited. Here are some essential facts to know about this fund:

  1. Investment strategy: Max Life Insurance Fund invests in a mix of equity, debt, and other instruments to generate returns over the long term. The fund’s investment strategy is designed to balance risk and reward and to provide opportunities for wealth creation.
  2. Fund options: Max Life Insurance Fund offers a range of fund options to suit different risk appetites and investment goals. These include equity funds, debt funds, balanced funds, and more.
  3. Premium payment: Policyholders can choose from different premium payment options, including single pay, limited pay, and regular pay.
  4. Policy term: The policy term for Max Life Insurance Fund ranges from 5 to 30 years, depending on the policyholder’s needs and goals.
  5. Tax benefits: Max Life Insurance Fund offers tax benefits under Section 80C and Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Policyholders can save on their tax liabilities and reduce their overall tax burden by investing in this fund.
  6. Guaranteed additions: Max Life Insurance Fund may offer guaranteed additions, which are added to the policyholder’s account value at the end of each policy year. These additions help boost the policyholder’s savings and provide additional value over time.
  7. Bonuses: Max Life Insurance Fund may also offer bonuses, which are declared at the end of each policy year based on the performance of the underlying fund. Bonuses can help enhance the policyholder’s savings and provide additional value over time.
  8. Systematic withdrawal plans: Max Life Insurance Fund offers systematic withdrawal plans, which allow policyholders to receive regular payouts from their policy after a certain period of time. This can help policyholders meet their financial goals and provide a steady stream of income in retirement.

Overall, Max Life Insurance Fund provides policyholders with a range of investment options to help grow their wealth over the long term, while also providing tax benefits and other value-added features. However, it’s important for policyholders to carefully review the terms and conditions of their policy and to seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

Max Life Insurance Fund Disadvantages

While Max Life Insurance offers a range of fund benefits to its policyholders, there are also potential disadvantages to consider:

  1. Market risk: Investment-linked insurance plans are subject to market risks, which means that the returns generated by the underlying funds can fluctuate based on market conditions. This can lead to lower returns or even losses for the policyholder.
  2. High fees: Investment-linked insurance plans typically have higher fees and charges than other types of insurance plans, which can reduce the overall returns for the policyholder.
  3. Limited liquidity: Investment-linked insurance plans typically have a lock-in period, which means that the policyholder may not be able to withdraw their money from the fund for a certain period of time. This can limit the policyholder’s liquidity and flexibility.
  4. Limited transparency: Investment-linked insurance plans may be less transparent than other investment products, making it difficult for the policyholder to fully understand the risks and returns associated with the fund.
  5. No guaranteed returns: Investment-linked insurance plans do not offer guaranteed returns, which means that the policyholder’s returns may be lower than expected or even negative.

It’s important for policyholders to carefully consider the potential disadvantages of any investment-linked insurance plan before deciding to invest. They should also consult with a financial advisor or investment professional to ensure that the plan is suitable for their investment goals and risk tolerance.

Unit Linked Insurance Products are different from the traditional Insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. The Premium paid in Unit Linked Insurance Policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the Policyholder / Insured is responsible for his / her decisions.

Max Life Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the Insurance Company and Max Life Fast Track Super Plan is only the name of the Unit-Linked Non-participating Individual Life Insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges from your insurance agent or the intermediary or policy document of the insurer.

The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these funds, their future prospects and returns. For more details on risk factors, Terms and Conditions please read sales Prospectus carefully before concluding a sale. Past performance of the funds does not indicate the future performance of the funds. You may be entitled to certain applicable tax benefits on your premiums and policy benefits.

Please note all the tax benefits are subject to tax laws prevailing at the time of payment of premium or receipt of benefits by you.​

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